Group award ceremonies are based off age first, then by skill level. We DO NOT break them down based on the genre. Each performance will receive a diamond placement. The diamond placements are purple, blue, pink and white. White diamond being the highest. Routines will be adjudicated and ranked against a point system. Our floating point system can fluctuate to balance each competition in regards to different judges and competitors. By doing so this will ensure that each dancer will have a positive experience and receive a more accurate evaluation of their performance at that particular competition.
Each competition diamond placement score will be unique to that competition, based on the groups that competed and the judges scores. Instead of having a set range for each diamond placement, the range is floating based on the judges scores and the competitors throughout the competition.
Once diamond placements have been announced, high point awards will be given. Diamond placements are given to studio directors at the end of the competition and will not be given out during the ceremony.
High point awards are given to the highest scored routines per age, skill level and diamond placement. The Overall High Point Award is given to the highest scored routine for each age division. Also given to each age division is the Exclusive Judge’s Awards. These awards are chosen by the judges through the competition and include the Judges Choreography Artistic, Technical and Performance Awards.
During the last awards ceremony of each competition, we present our Exclusive Awards. These include the Sportsmanship Award, the Overall Studio White Diamond Award and the exclusive, rare Black Diamond Award if applicable.