Questions about Competitions

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Questions about Competitions

Studio and Parent accounts have been given the ability to link dancers to a studio account. This will allow all...
Videos are free for every registered routine.
Our competition admission is free
All registered solo, duo and trio dancers will receive a trophy and all registered group dancers will receive a participation...
Score sheets can be found in the account that the routine was registered in. Login to your account, select Show...
Score sheets are available within 1-2 business days after the competition.
We will notify you when the schedule is available for you to view in your account.
Solos, Duo and Trios could perform in the Auditorium or the Gym. All groups will perform in the Auditorium.
Photography and Video recording from any media devices (i.e. digital cameras, cell phones, SLR’s, Flip, etc.) is strictly prohibited during...
The safety of competition dancers and spectators is paramount at all Relevé events. A first aid kit is provided at...
